Rick's adventures with the Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Raspberry Pi Adventures

In November 2013 I bought a Raspberry Pi because I wanted a computer I can program that can interface to hardware projects. I'm learning Python and I already know C++ and Unix.

I wanted to make a clock that would display Sidereal Time, useful for astronomy. My first effort displayed the time on a simulated 7-segment display made on a TK window. Then I bought the Adafruit 4-digit seven segment display and converted my code to run with that. I'm using a sidereal time module (which I extended) to compute sidereal time given longitude. Sidereal Clock code in Python

Next project is a Focuser for my C14 telescope. This one uses an Arduino to read a rotary knob, update a seven-segment display, and drive a stepper motor.

Telescope Focuser for C14

Copyright © 2013-2015 by Rick Thurmond